we had to take an entire school picture, i held up 2 pieces of paper that said H-I on it, not so terrible but they told me i couldn't do it, i decided to anyway, but if memory serves they did get a ppicture of me not using them so they'll probably use that one, well at least i stood out right? i'm not an attention seeker, i just like to be polite and say hello to people, i want to be remembered even if its for such a trivial thing. I can be the "HI girl", in a strictly NON druggie kind of way.
its not exciting rebellion, its just fun to do. i have decided to sell movies for $5 each, just for some quick cash and so i can make more money to spend on DVD's.
Touch rugby is sooooo boring! i join in and run and stuff and am adequate at it but its stupid! such a stop and start kind of game and it gets on my nerves sometimes, i should have joined the all girl PE class, but i joined the mixed because that way i'd have guys to look at and flirt with and girls to talk to when i'm bored. which is a lot. At least our teachers okay, i'll admit that i didn't like him and even wrote a mean letter to him calling him some colorful names, he asked why i did it, i said i was angry, he asked why i was angry, i said PMS. since he's a dude that shut him up very quickly.
In art i sat next to Key Ring, although i don't like her it was either her or Braddles and i just didn't fell like talking to him, i should try to reconnect with him though, he was my first friend i ever made. so anyway Key Ring was being a bitch and getting all spazzo over nothing, she even called Caitlin a fat bitch, Key Ring is the fat bitch, so i said to her: "the general idea of an insult is to talk about the other person, not about yourself- write that down"
she went all brush happy and painted my arm pink, then i went to SOSE and watched some boring power point presentation about our local history, i'd rather watch paint dry. of course i did try to be enthusiastic, i'm sure i wasn't convincing today though since i spent half the lesson making the sign to hold up in the whole school photo.
Well thatt was my day/
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