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Thursday, April 22, 2010

a misdirection of angst

suicide. its not funny, but it manages to drip with irony, especially when it comes to Blondie, a very happy person with lots of friends who is liked by everyone. she speaks openly of suicide for some reason, this how she gets her popularity. with humor she speaks of it, if she was truly serious about it she would have done it! this is how she managed to get those friends of hers, by feigning being a tortured soul, someone they can save or help for whatever their reasons. she seems to think that no-one loves her, that she hasn't got that many friends. so she wants to kill herself, but heres the irony: because of this want of suicide people are feeling sorry for her, becoming her friend!
suicide (or should i say TALK of suicide) has given Blondie depth and a soul, something she doesn't have but suicide makes her sound deep, those threats make her seem deep!
She writes poems about her impending demise and shows them to everyone as a way to make friends, most people want to keep suicide private right? not her, its an instrument, a tool!

you know if i said i'd kill myself no-one would care? cos apparently i'm always so happy, so content, a bit flaky but i'm so NON suicidal. i'm not always happy, so that shows how much people pay attention to me. but threats of suicide was once MY thing, as a way of being sent to the counselor and getting out of a test. it was my angst, sort of small but effective. her misdirection of a serious issue and my way of angst is appalling! i'm no saint, but my use of suicide is simply to get on peoples nerves, people KNOW that i don't mean it but at my school every suicide threat is taken seriously. she uses suicide as a way of increasing her popularity!

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