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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A counselor to the disillusioned, a friend to the melodramatic

My friend Blondie is madly in love with an acquaintance of mine, whom i now call Boldie. he has worked his way through all the girls in my group except a select few who had enough pride to reject his advances, me being one of those who rejected him i may a bit biased in saying that he REALLY doesn't have that much going for him! anyway, Blondie went out with him for about a day back in 8th grade, she decided that she wasn't 'ready' and wrote a 2 page letter to him saying how sorry she is and that he'll always hold a special spot in her heart. blech.
she has spent the last year fawning over him wishing to get back with him but with his man horishness and going out with any girl that has a pulse, she can't seem to get to him. Now he is (once again) dating a girl in my group, Paper, as i call her is generally nice and stuff, so why is she with him? who knows? anyway so Blondie wants Boldie but can't have him or she will alienate Paper, and perhaps lose the respect of her other friends, who do not think highly of Boldie in the first place anyway.

she wailed that she would never have a real romance because her heart belonged to a guy who didn't love her, blah blah blah. its like something out of a soppy romance novel. it wears thin sometimes. usually by the second minute unless you can keep me interested. i told her being all sad and stuff is normal when a crush isn't returned, although she insists that it's love but those 2 are just cold fish together (or at least HE is), she tells me that nothing is right that she may as well give up on life and men. my god! she tried both of those, she tried to jump off a two story building (we all knew she wouldn't do it and continuously told her that even if she did she would just break a leg) and she tried by a lesbian with a former friend of mine who was Bi. disaster, of course it didn't help when people found out about their brief affair during SOSE.
So on and on she went while she said these things that are so stupid that they transcended even Paris Hilton standards.
her melodrama was tiring, so i walked off leaving her to find another person to whine to. boo hoo. i can't believe she likes him, he's not good looking, he cheats, he lies, he's a man slut, about the only thing he has going for him is the APPARENTLY cute 'dear in the headlights' expression and his humor, which isn't that good 95% of the time.
as usual i am annoyed by Blondie, my annoyance of her is almost on the same level as my hatred for the Jonas Brothers and Justin Beiber. which is A LOT.

i wish people would stop taking life so seriously! like it was all about finding "Mr. right", nobodies perfect and if someone spends all their time trying to find the perfect person then they'll never have time for other people and they'll die alone.

*sigh*. life would be so great of we just knew how to live it

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