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Friday, April 30, 2010

Webs, Phobias and Art- Oh the humanity!

My school had these mini spiders crawling everywhere today, webs stretched across the oval and when people took of shoes or jackets so they could run around the spiders would cover them in webs. ick.
I have a very bad fear of spiders and spent most of my double lesson of PE trying to keep the webs as far away from me as possible. i swished my arms randomly during a conversation, i was stranger than usual.

In art i spent most of it torturing Key Ring, even tricking her into taking her school shirt off in class, of course, it was a hollow victory since she's quite fugly. still funny though. she tried to smudge the "paint" on my artwork, but since it wasn't paint it was a comical attempt, i made belittling comment about her love of the Jonas Brothers and how she loved them so much because their pictures were the closest thing she'd ever have to a man in her room, it was mean but it's our thing, she insult me and i insult her, although my insults are better because i put some thought into them and don't use the same words over and over. i made fun of her artwork of seseme street, i think it was meant to be Zoe and Elmo, but Elmo looked like a frog and Zoe looked like it was just paint sprayed on the canvas with a water pistol. i'm a bitch.

i was playing Yu-GI-OH with some friends in the science lab, i know its geeky but its actually an interesting game if the cards are right, when Damo tells me that i'm versing him at chess club next week, he's the all the school champion, i must brush up on my game.
i'm not a geek per say, i have a boyfriend, i have lots of friends i'm attractive (that kind of ties in with the boyfriend), and i can socialize, but chess and Yu-GI-OH is quite fun.

life is good, i just wish that my hatred towards some people, sometimes i just want to kill them- in the moment- but then i remember what happened in my favorite dark comedies like Just Buried and Heathers.

be seein ya

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A relatively boring day.

i got 45 bucks today and spent some of it on a can of whipped cream, the kind you spray, i'd always wanted one. it's not all that great. its overrated.

ive been eating waaaay too much junk food today, i'm gonna blow up like a big balloon soon! well thats why they invented exercise.
nothing really happened today, although yesterday T stole Papers locker key for something to do and waved it out the window of the bus when they went past Paper's car. oh i love my friends.

No hockey on saturday, so Yazz is coming over, she might post again.

Pictures, Brushes, spazzo's and Rugby

Today was school picture day, i hate pictures.. why is it that on every other day of the year i can look good but on school picture day i'm a mess? maybe its just so that school can embarrass you even more, i mean i guess they have to make up for the absolutely forgettable sex ed talks or announcing who's in detention or who's in what embarrassing and/or geeky group over the loud speaker and in the school bulletin, oh so UNembarrassing. right, and water is dry.

we had to take an entire school picture, i held up 2 pieces of paper that said H-I on it, not so terrible but they told me i couldn't do it, i decided to anyway, but if memory serves they did get a ppicture of me not using them so they'll probably use that one, well at least i stood out right? i'm not an attention seeker, i just like to be polite and say hello to people, i want to be remembered even if its for such a trivial thing. I can be the "HI girl", in a strictly NON druggie kind of way.
its not exciting rebellion, its just fun to do. i have decided to sell movies for $5 each, just for some quick cash and so i can make more money to spend on DVD's.

Touch rugby is sooooo boring! i join in and run and stuff and am adequate at it but its stupid! such a stop and start kind of game and it gets on my nerves sometimes, i should have joined the all girl PE class, but i joined the mixed because that way i'd have guys to look at and flirt with and girls to talk to when i'm bored. which is a lot. At least our teachers okay, i'll admit that i didn't like him and even wrote a mean letter to him calling him some colorful names, he asked why i did it, i said i was angry, he asked why i was angry, i said PMS. since he's a dude that shut him up very quickly.

In art i sat next to Key Ring, although i don't like her it was either her or Braddles and i just didn't fell like talking to him, i should try to reconnect with him though, he was my first friend i ever made. so anyway Key Ring was being a bitch and getting all spazzo over nothing, she even called Caitlin a fat bitch, Key Ring is the fat bitch, so i said to her: "the general idea of an insult is to talk about the other person, not about yourself- write that down"
she went all brush happy and painted my arm pink, then i went to SOSE and watched some boring power point presentation about our local history, i'd rather watch paint dry. of course i did try to be enthusiastic, i'm sure i wasn't convincing today though since i spent half the lesson making the sign to hold up in the whole school photo.

Well thatt was my day/

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A counselor to the disillusioned, a friend to the melodramatic

My friend Blondie is madly in love with an acquaintance of mine, whom i now call Boldie. he has worked his way through all the girls in my group except a select few who had enough pride to reject his advances, me being one of those who rejected him i may a bit biased in saying that he REALLY doesn't have that much going for him! anyway, Blondie went out with him for about a day back in 8th grade, she decided that she wasn't 'ready' and wrote a 2 page letter to him saying how sorry she is and that he'll always hold a special spot in her heart. blech.
she has spent the last year fawning over him wishing to get back with him but with his man horishness and going out with any girl that has a pulse, she can't seem to get to him. Now he is (once again) dating a girl in my group, Paper, as i call her is generally nice and stuff, so why is she with him? who knows? anyway so Blondie wants Boldie but can't have him or she will alienate Paper, and perhaps lose the respect of her other friends, who do not think highly of Boldie in the first place anyway.

she wailed that she would never have a real romance because her heart belonged to a guy who didn't love her, blah blah blah. its like something out of a soppy romance novel. it wears thin sometimes. usually by the second minute unless you can keep me interested. i told her being all sad and stuff is normal when a crush isn't returned, although she insists that it's love but those 2 are just cold fish together (or at least HE is), she tells me that nothing is right that she may as well give up on life and men. my god! she tried both of those, she tried to jump off a two story building (we all knew she wouldn't do it and continuously told her that even if she did she would just break a leg) and she tried by a lesbian with a former friend of mine who was Bi. disaster, of course it didn't help when people found out about their brief affair during SOSE.
So on and on she went while she said these things that are so stupid that they transcended even Paris Hilton standards.
her melodrama was tiring, so i walked off leaving her to find another person to whine to. boo hoo. i can't believe she likes him, he's not good looking, he cheats, he lies, he's a man slut, about the only thing he has going for him is the APPARENTLY cute 'dear in the headlights' expression and his humor, which isn't that good 95% of the time.
as usual i am annoyed by Blondie, my annoyance of her is almost on the same level as my hatred for the Jonas Brothers and Justin Beiber. which is A LOT.

i wish people would stop taking life so seriously! like it was all about finding "Mr. right", nobodies perfect and if someone spends all their time trying to find the perfect person then they'll never have time for other people and they'll die alone.

*sigh*. life would be so great of we just knew how to live it

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yazz's Man

this is my friend Yazz. she's a little horny.

George's (my boy friend) a very experienced young man when it comes to socializing with women, very satisfying and open to new things. Extremely (i do stress extremely) well endowed.
for starters i was dating his cousin Martin, but he introduced me to George and basically i said i'd go to toilet and George followed me. at first i was like 'get the fuck out!' but for some reason i noticed a bit of a weird marking on his neck, and i basically had an orgy in front of him, he liked what he saw, and joined in.
at first nothing really happened, just noise then his cousin came in and i said i was on the floor looking for toilet paper and that George was helping stupidly Martin got down on all fours and helped. and from there on in me and George had a secret relationship, he continues to knock on my back fence, i hop the fence with him and most of the time we have to separate a little bit cos mum always comes out and does the washing. for the second time we decided to attempt to 'make love', we actually did it in my bedroom. on the floor. we had no condom at first but we used my sock.
he is tall, wears baggy clothes so he looks shorter, extremely well endowed, long black hair, wears lots of wrist bands, surprisingly they're pink.
the first time he bit me i actually had an orgy without him actually doing much in any certain area, but all of a sudden i took control, i can't remember the rest because i blacked out in
pleasure. he's working on a six pack but he's just started, not showing any signs. YET. i do stress yet.

ok. more than 'a little' horny

Friday, April 23, 2010

Beauty: an ever changing illusion.

i had a hockey game today, we won and i was full back. so i didn't shoot goals which i was fine cos i'm good at defending stuff. since the ball didn't come down my way all that much while i was on the field i started to think about peoples obsession with looks.

You know how in the movies they have the whole "love at first sight" thing? its funny how its always between 2 good looking people, it sells more tickets i guess. you know? girls love the guy in it and the guys go with their friends or girlfriends to see the hot chick. stuff like that. but then i thought about what's truly was beautiful. they used to say that guys who looked like Clark Gable or Cary Grant were handsome, (which they were), but show a picture of them to my class and they all say "Joe Jonas is hotter!" and inwardly i groan, i hate those Jonas brothers.

anyway then i thought about how they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so different people have different views on beauty? makes sense, different people, different outlook. so if someone calls you ugly then you're not necessarily ugly? but unattractive to them?
by this time i was going round in circles, so i moved to different stance: if a blind person is ugly then they'll never know, no-one will tell him/her cos who's going to insult a blind person? Blind people live good lives but never know what they look like, so they can go by other peoples words (whether they be true of fabricated) and think they're gods gift to sex.

they say to "think" positivity and positive things will generally happen to you, the power of
suggestion. often a delusion for ugly people who won't accept it and become conceited by listing non existent good points about themselves. an ugly person can be beautiful to themselves if they can get enough people to compliment them or if they pile enough make up on their faces, that's what my acquaintance Key Ring does. she's not pretty, dresses in trends rather than in what suits her, piles on make up, has hair done in styles that are often favored for about a week and then she regrets having the hair done, colors her hair too much, tell people about her new earrings and thinks people care.
beauty is in the eye of a truly optimistic person, whether that person is correct is another issue.
I believe that beauty is a state of mind that many people will spend their life striving to achieve and that each time they gain one point then another trend has grown in its place. the illusion of beauty changes throughout time, and people who are ugly but optimists will generally consider themselves beautiful, and pessimists will see every bad thing, but thats a choice, pessimists are a lot of the time perfectionists, and realists see things for what they truly are, or at least in their opinions. what IS beauty?

just a musing i had while playing hockey

Thursday, April 22, 2010

a misdirection of angst

suicide. its not funny, but it manages to drip with irony, especially when it comes to Blondie, a very happy person with lots of friends who is liked by everyone. she speaks openly of suicide for some reason, this how she gets her popularity. with humor she speaks of it, if she was truly serious about it she would have done it! this is how she managed to get those friends of hers, by feigning being a tortured soul, someone they can save or help for whatever their reasons. she seems to think that no-one loves her, that she hasn't got that many friends. so she wants to kill herself, but heres the irony: because of this want of suicide people are feeling sorry for her, becoming her friend!
suicide (or should i say TALK of suicide) has given Blondie depth and a soul, something she doesn't have but suicide makes her sound deep, those threats make her seem deep!
She writes poems about her impending demise and shows them to everyone as a way to make friends, most people want to keep suicide private right? not her, its an instrument, a tool!

you know if i said i'd kill myself no-one would care? cos apparently i'm always so happy, so content, a bit flaky but i'm so NON suicidal. i'm not always happy, so that shows how much people pay attention to me. but threats of suicide was once MY thing, as a way of being sent to the counselor and getting out of a test. it was my angst, sort of small but effective. her misdirection of a serious issue and my way of angst is appalling! i'm no saint, but my use of suicide is simply to get on peoples nerves, people KNOW that i don't mean it but at my school every suicide threat is taken seriously. she uses suicide as a way of increasing her popularity!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the melodrama of high school and the love/hate of friendship

the melodrama that is high school is a dull one, over dramatized in movie's such as Mean Girls and Jawbreaker. High school politics are the most shallow thing that has ever happened to the world, but THATS high school. who decides whats popular? what decides who's popular? the people ho decide on an objects popularity are clothing designers for popular shows such as the delightfully vicious Gossip Girl, the songs are seen on MTV and video hits, hair styles and most trends are set by a celebrity. Although i have set a trend or 2 in my time it hardly warrants popularity.
the popular people at my school are nothing like the "Mean Girls", they're popular on their own merit, they have some talent and are generally good to be around. Just not with us, if you're accepted by them then what will you talk about? not a lot, hair? guys? some shows or movies that you say you love even though you hate them but just want them to like you?
my friends are eclectic, in that we don't need those rules, we're accepting of people.

the love/hate with my friends is complicated, i have one that a call Blondie. She is a hypocrite who is clearly looking to graduate into a higher clique that she doesn't seem to fit into.
Another we call has earned the affectionate name of Ebay, she's annoying, threatening, mean and a disruption, but at least she knows and revels in those attributes! not like some people who try to change who they are.
my next i call Shimmy, an emo with a great sense of humor, and an awesome artist! she's a non conformist- like me. together we disrupt our art class and share a general malice for our art teacher.
Yazzy is my next friend, my unhinged, crazy friend who wants me to spread rumors about her, she wants me to say that she joined a cult, while i wanted to say that she was sent to a concentration camp to cure of lesbianism. she's not a lesbian but i thought it would be funny to say that, people at my school believe that anything is possible when it comes to Yazz.
Blondie and i began our friendship on the first day of high school, soon i was counseling her through her petty fights with her rival Key Ring, an ugly bitch who models herself after characters in films, strangely enough she models herself after that villains. anyway, Blondie seems to forget about me, most people do, she forgets that i wrote her essay for her in sose! that i helped her when everyone else turned their back! people. Blondie isn't worth my time, but i'm too nice to tell her to get the hell away. at least i know that i hate her, and i have a lot of control over her. i go crazy with power

in art i had to make a 3D letter, oh how revolutionary. i came up with the idea that i would stick multi colored gum all over it so i can give my teacher a theme (gum) and color, everything he wanted in the most inconvenient way possible. but then he over heard me and told i couldn't, i said i'd do it, but then i got thing that chewing all that gum would ruin my perfect teeth. so i'm going to buy something multi colored tack (like the kind you use to keep posters on you're wall) and SAY that its gum, he can't REALLY do anything about it.
well, silent rebellion isn't nearly as fascinating as what my friends Ebay and T did when they broke into a CHURCH, but at least i'm not getting arrested AND grounded.

Friday, April 16, 2010

we win

i had 2 go down 2 maitland for hockey and we beat the other team 7-0! ha!! ha!!
they beat us in the grand final last year so we got them, one of our people hit them in the head with the hockey ball (accidentally) so it was mildly bitter sweet.
i hung out with one of my friends who moved down there and we just walked around, it was a good day.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Friend Who will go without me!!

i have just found out that one of my bestest friends is going 2 see wicked, which i'm cool with, but i wish i could go! i may not like to go places that r so popular cos it's too mainstream but Wicked is my favorite non movie musical!! i guess i'll have to be content in watching it on youtube, and listening to the sundtrak


heathers arrived today! yayyayyayy!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

in boredem

i'm posting this out of boredom, i have just watched a film called The Harvey Girls which had judy Garland in it and that was pretty good, the film made me far less bored but now there is nothing on and i have nowhere to go in town, so i'm stuck home posting on a blog. maybe i'll go to the library... yeah! library...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

May People Rejoice!

not in a god way, i'm not a very religious person (as in not at all) , but anyway, rejoice for the fact that i ordered Heathers DVD off ebay and cant wait for it to arrive!
alright, i have no real interesting posts today, it's school holidays so i barely get to see my friends, i have one coming over tomorrow so thats good.

i have a few things i would like to say about todays film industry and it's insufferable tendency to attempt remakes and redos, which i plan on posting on my other blog ( ASAP.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Trip

Today my mum and i went to Adelaide, which is the capital city of our state.
i had a list of my top 6 DVDs to buy: Heathers, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Rent, Cry Baby, Reefer Madness and Gypsy.
they didn't have Rent, or DDG, or Reefer Madness! Heathers has been discontinued by the company, so i have had to go on Ebay for it, i did however manage to get Cry Baby and Gypsy, which is good, i plan to review on my other blog very shortly.

i don't really care, that no-one reads this blog, nor do i care that i am writing this to complete strangers, i like typing.

i have always liked big cities, because i can make a complete fool of myself and i'll never see most of those people again because its such a big city!!! i find it easier to talk to people because i have no connection to the them, it's like how it's sometimes easier to talk to a shrink rather than a family member.
i find that people i don't know are easier to talk to because A: they don't know you so are as awkward as you are B: they're more interesting because we live different lifestyles and C: i just like meeting new people. new people are fun, if you hang out with someone too much then they become stale but you meet these people maybe for a week or a even a day and you don't get that feeling of stale!

ah the city... everyday you run the risk of getting killed but maybe a cute paramedic will revive you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

my own world view

this is my first post, on this blog, it's pretty much just me life day to day. i'm pretty much being an angsty teen, who gets a bit off topic at times, who never can make up her mind.
am i a movie freak? do i hate movies?
do like dreaming of murdering people? should i hire an assassin? so many choices.
i'm a non-conformist who dislikes society's rules BTW.

i would like to say right off the bat that i have strange friends, our behaviors leaves a lot to be desired and i look up sign language and other languages so i can swear at the teachers without getting trouble. if anyone ever reads this blog, be sure to comment.